Friday, 8 May 2015


Jyeshta Shudi Dwitiya is Narada Jayanti. It falls on May 6 this year. For last several years nationalist minded people celebrate the day as Journalism Day, as Narada was the first reporter of the universe. Being portrayed in films and secular discourses as a negative character and also as a war monger, many raise eyebrows hearing about Narada Jayanti celebration. Fact is that Narada was a philosopher, law maker and a communicator par excellence. He communicated with a sacred mission. It was the triumph of truth and dharma. That is why the very first Hindi journal of Bharat, Udanta Martanda, was released on Narada Jayanti Day with Narada’s picture on cover. Narada is relevant even today not only for meaningful communication but also for good governance and people friendly administration:
Our forefathers have explained the word ‘Narada’ as “Naaram pramatma vishayakam jnaanam dadaaditi naarada”. It means one who imparts the extreme knowledge is known as ‘Narada’. ‘Nara’ can be interpreted in two ways – one is absolute knowledge and the other is about ‘man’ or mankind. This means Narada was the custodian of knowledge.
Narada’s presence and involvement in the making of two Itihaas are quite significant. Ramayana was written because of Narada. On a fine morning Narada appeared before Valmiki who was in search of a perfect man with 16 qualities. Narada narrated the story of Purushottama having 57 qualities. Yes, it was the story of Shri Ram, the incarnate of the best qualities – the Maryada Purushottama. Enthralled by the narration done by the master communicator, Valmiki went for his daily rituals to the Tamasa River along with Bhardwaj. The calm and serene atmosphere and the beautiful environment made Valmiki’s mind more creative. It was the moment when Valmiki witnessed a hunter shooting down one of the birds of the Krouncha pair—from the depth of his pain and despair Valmiki uttered “Ma Nishada’—do not do that Hey Hunter. Thus was born the first shloka. Immediately, after the utterance and its subsequent impact Valmiki asked his companion. ‘What is that I have uttered? What sort of things are these lines constructed with a rhythm and a particular pattern just like the notes of Veena? Is this out come of pain, a shloka? He returned to the hermitage to seek out Brahmadeva and to direct him to write about Rama in the style and pattern of the shlokas he had uttered. Thus was born Ramayana.
Another Narada Jayanti Story: A Beacon Light for the Media in Crisis   
Narada was present at every critical juncture of the story line. He corrected the mode and mood of the story flow. He was instrumental in putting the things in order. He never allowed minds to go out of focus. Narada’s extraordinary skill in interpreting dharma and keeping the concerned characters well aware of the going are explicit in almost every Purana. In Mahabharata, his dialogue with Dharmaputra was the wonderful elucidation of the methodology of Governance and the Gita for administrators.
Another  Narada Jayanti Story: Is the English Media 
Narada entered the unique assembly of Maharaja Yudhisthira. Satisfied with the hospitality of Dharmaputra, Narada gave him the true knowledge of Purushartha, the four stages of dharma, artha, kama and moksha. The instruction was in the form of catechism, i.e. in the form of answers to pre-formulated questions. It was in a question-answer form and a true elaborate list of the duties of a ruler. He asked questions on the code of law and obligations of the Government. Those rules and regulations explained thousand years ago are more relevant today. These duties are morally and legally inevitable. But moreover obeying and living according to the principles elaborated Narada’s discourse was meant to lead a person to a higher stage of spirituality. It was not just a formula for material advancement or regulating mundane affairs. 
Good Governance is matter of grave relevance today. Because matters are indeed grave. Each and every institution and system connected with the so-called democratic government had gone far away from the common people, on whose name the whole set had been formed. Truthfulness, sincerity, values haven’t got any position or role in the whole scheme of affairs. All are governed by selfishness, crookedness, one-upmanship. It is not proper to blame the foreigners for our faults.
The systems, structure and methodology formulated by English are being continued shamelessly in independent Bharat. We have failed miserably in understanding the true meaning of swadharma or swatantra. Freedom means swatantra. Tantra is according to one’s own identity or swa. Governance and systems according to the principles of others or para is paratantra. Seeing and experiencing the present day situations can we say that we are free? Each and every department is run by the rules, ideas and principles formulated by the alien force who once ruled over us—it still continues as if the same masters are at the helm of affairs. Even the nomenclatures were not changed. Who is the top civil servant of a District? We’ve changed ICS into IAS but the name is still Collector. What does that mean? Collector is one who collects something. English rulers had appointed faithful officers in each district to collect maximum revenue from that particular district. What does Commissioner mean? Working for someone on commission basis or an authority, who employs others on commission basis, is it? Same is the case of education, history, industry and economics. Everywhere the alien presence can be felt. Are we ready for an all out change? In this perspective, we have to revisit Narada. Narada formulated his questions or ideas specifically connected with suraj. And the interesting part is that Yudhisthira didn’t give answers one by one to every question. He gave his answer as a whole and in the end clarified that every step he took till then was according to the directions by Narada.
Some of the questions or directions Narada put forward are:
“Oh Dharma Raj, are you thinking about dharma along with arthachintan (economics)? Is the arthachintan overshadowing your dharma chintan? Is the desire for material welfare putting a block on your way to achieve dharma? But along with that he asked whether your extreme involvement in Dharma made the treasury vacant. Does the indulgence in sensual activities affect your effort to accumulate wealth and attaining Dharmic Values?
He asked about social development and agriculture also. “Can you say that the farmers in your kingdom are satisfied and wealthy? Have you made perfect arrangements for irrigation? What about the seeds and food for farmers? Did you not allocate loans for farmers as and when the situation demanded? Needless to elaborate much on how these points are relevant today.
Another set of questions is about the ministers and officers. Have you not selected members of your ministry from persons with examplary nature, spotless character and social commitment? Are you remembering the old saying that one knowledgeable person is better than 100 fools? Are you not appointing apt persons for the jobs looking into or considering the level and demand of the field?
Several questions regarding social welfare, living standard of the citizens were also raised. Are you not looking after your citizens with the feelings and love of a caring father? Questions connected with security, war preparedness espionage, war strategy were also asked. Narada raised these issues not only to enlighten Kings and rulers but also to awaken the general public about their rights or what all they can expect from the Government. If we want to make some plan for good governance these questions raised by Narada can be taken as apt reference. It has got the strength and depth to show the way. Every point is relevant and it should be analysed minutely.
Narada was always active in his efforts of propagating dharma and people’s welfare. In our scriptures, he is equated as Bhagawan’s mind. That is why through all ages, among all people, in all philosophies, with all groups of society, Narada was welcomed and received, not only by Devatas, Danavas too respected him always. In Bhagawat Gita, Sri Krishna placed him on the highest pedestal and explained him as first or best among all devarishis.
In the fifth chapter of Mahabharata’s Sabhaparava, Narada has been explained as the knower of Upanishadas, adored by Devatas, specialist in Itihas and Puranas. Along with all these virtues he was a master communicator. Narada was considered to be the first reporter or journalist of the whole universe. He knew the crux of journalism. His mastery over journalism and expertise in communication was shown when he gave tips to Yudhishtira on governance. Some of the points we’ve seen. At another occasion he told Yudhisthira that the power of the common people is totally based on how they are informed. They should know how things are going on all over the world. So a responsible ruler should make necessary arrangements to make people aware of the facts. 
All the qualities of a good journalist are in Narada. Some are:
  • Understanding the situation in depth. Exactitude and comprehension are needed very much for a journalist.
  •  Ability to analyse the information.
  • He should collect all supportive matters and study.
  • The capacity to foresee the after effects.
  • Most important quality is articulation.
Considering all the facts explained earlier he should communicate the news or information to the people in a proper way, using proper words.
In Adiparva of Mahabharata, Veda Vyasa gives a complete picture of Narada.
Artha nirvachane nityam
Samshayachhita samshaya:
Prakrtya dharma kuahalo
Naana dharma visharada:
This is only one example of the 29 shlokas in which Vyasa elaborates the qualities of Narada. After understanding the situations thoroughly, taking all related factors into consideration Narada used to communicate without making any ambiguity. He is well versed in different aspects of the Dharma and also an expert in implementing it properly. He knows the different shades of the meaning of the word and also different words having same meaning. He never failed in using the exact word. Such was his command over language and his power of vocabulary. 
A true journalist should present the news before the society with the comprehensive knowledge of the matter. For that purpose he should study sincerely without which communication would become irresponsible and dangerous. So many incidents can be elicited here as examples. The cut and paste capacity would play havoc in journalistic activities. Narada gave only authentic knowledge for he was in procession. This speciality of Narada was authenticated by none other than Ved Vyasa. Reporting should essentially be with a sacred purpose. In order to increase the rating, a reporter should not adopt any cheap immoral techniques. A journalist should not adopt dirty tricks with selfish and ulterior motives.
Shoot and Scoot. See how Mohan Bhagwatji’s speeches were reported in Silchar and Indore regarding Mother Teresa and also how irresponsibly the concerned persons kept mum even after they came to know about the whole speech.
Cut and Paste. Pan Cake intellectualism, as Richard Foreman had put it sharply, is a bane of journalism and it is playing havoc everywhere.
Stoop to Rate. Stooping to any level to increase the rating. For that matter positive news and information are put under carpet and nasty negative anti-national news are placed on the front page or in prime time.
A great writer and author of several standard texts including ‘Narada Smriti’ ‘Narada Bhakti Stotra’, Narada is known as a ‘Walking Monk’ who used to travel all three ‘lokas’ to communicate Narada was known as a person who used to cultivate disputes among gods and others with his communication skills. Without knowing the real purpose of those skills many called him war monger kalahapriya etc. But Narada used those occasions only to resolve the complex problems and also to restore dharma and peace.
J Nandakumar (The writer is Akhil Bharatiya Sah Prachar Pramukh of RSS)

Monday, 4 May 2015

Hindu leaders should have guns: Sri Ram Sene chief Pramod Muthalik

Pramod Muthalik

Sri Ram Sene leader Pramod Muthalik on Thursday demanded that the government of Tamil Nadu and other states should allow Hindu leaders to hold weapons for their self defence.
"Around 127 Hindu leaders have been killed by the Muslim jihadists. Hindu leaders in the country should have guns for their self defense," Muthalik said.
The Hindu leader said he will send petition to the Home Ministry in this regard.
"The Islamist terrorists have weapons like AK-47s. Now a new form of terror is now started across India in the name of love jihad. We need protection," Muthalik said.
He also urged the Modi government to impose complete prohibition in India. "All wine shops and pubs should be banned," the Hindu leader said.
Muthalik also said dress code is a must in the country and clothes are one of the reasons for rape cases.

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RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat targets Mother Teresa, says conversion was main objective behind her service

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat on Monday said there was a motive behind the service Mother Teresa provided to the poor — to convert them to Christianity.
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Inaugurating an orphanage and a women’s home in Bharatpur, Bhagwat said, “Here we will not provide service like that rendered by Mother Teresa. It is possible that her kind of work was good but there was a motive behind that service.
It was to convert those she served to Christianity. Someone wants to convert others to Christianity, that is another thing, but to do it under the garb of social service is to devalue that service.
Here, nothing like that will happen. In our country, social service is done like this, selflessly, completely selflessly.”

His comments come less than a week after Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the government “will ensure that there is complete freedom of faith and that everyone has the undeniable right to retain or adopt the religion of his or her choice without coercion or undue influence”.
Bhagwat, who is on a tour of Rajasthan, was addressing locals, Sangh workers and elected representatives. On Monday, he was invited to inaugurate a Mahila Sadan and a Bal Shishu Gopal Griha by Apna Ghar Seva Samiti, a local NGO. The event was attended by Tourism Minister Krishnendra Kaur Deepa, BJP state vice-president Bhajanlal Sharma, MP Bahadur Koli and other sitting and former legislators.
Bhagwat’s comments evoked sharp reactions. Rajasthan Pradesh Congress Committee chief Sachin Pilot said, “This sort of talk by hardline right-wing forces casting aspersions on eminent people like Mother Teresa is a deliberate attempt to whip up negative emotions and distort history. If these people call themselves nationalists, they should engage in nation building.”
Sunita Kumar, spokesperson of Missionaries of Charity (MOC), said ‘Mother shelters’ set up by Mother Teresa for the destitute accommodated everyone, irrespective of their religion. “The physically and mentally challenged at these homes, when they passed away, were cremated or buried according to their faith. In the past 50 years that I have been associated with MOC and during the time I worked with Mother Teresa, I have not seen a single case wherein people were asked to convert to Christianity or there was any complaint of biased treatment owing to a person’s faith,” Kumar said.
I wish people knew more about Mother before making such comments. Even now, at Mother House on special occasions, mass prayers are organised and people of all religions participate and offer prayers according to their religion,” she added.
Delhi Archbishop Anil Couto said, “The RSS has made such statements earlier as well, even when Mother Teresa was living. It is nothing new. It is because of their hatred of other religions that they are making such statements. It is preposterous of them to allege something as false as the fact that the Sisters of Missionaries convert the poor and the destitute when they give the poor shelter and dignified lives. Persons of any religion come and live in the shelter homes run by the Missionaries and they live by their individual and original faiths.”
He added, “It looks like the Sangh Parivar is trying to assert itself by refuting the PM’s recent call for religious harmony.”

Sakshi Maharaj Calls Rahul Gandhi 'Mad', Compares PM Narendra Modi With Lord Krishna

ETAH, UTTAR PRADESH:  BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj on Friday kicked up another row when he called Rahul Gandhi "mad" while trying to ridicule the Congress Vice President's attempts to reach out to distressed farmers in the last few days.

Sakshi Maharaj also compared Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Lord Krishna, saying like Krishna saved Draupadi, he rescued Nepal.

Taking a dig at Mr Gandhi, the BJP MP from Unnao said he does not know the difference between wheat and maize.

"I say that Rahul Gandhi has gone mad. He does not know the ABCD of politics. He is talking of farmers but does not know the difference between wheat and maize," Sakshi Maharaj said addressing a meeting at Amroli Ratanpur village in Uttar Pradesh.

While referring to the rescue and rehabilitation efforts launched by the NDA government in quake-hit Nepal, Sakshi Maharaj said," after the devastation in Nepal, Modi reacted without hesitation. Similarly, Krishna had helped Draupadi when she needed it without hesitation. Modi has done the work of saving Nepal like Lord Krishna."

On the agrarian crisis, Sakshi Maharaj said the Uttar Pradesh government has failed to address this problem in the state and that the funds allocated by Central government to the distressed farmers have not reached them.

He also hit out at the state government for propagating "goondaraj".

"There is goondaraj in Uttar Pradesh. The law and order situation here is in complete shambles. The Akhilesh Yadav government failed to pay any attention to the farmers affected by unseasonal rain and hailstorms. Crores of rupees were allocated by the Centre for the aggrieved farmers but the relief did not reach them," he said.

The saffron-clad MP noted that an enquiry will be initiated by the Centre over non-distribution of relief money to the farmers.

Defending the Modi government on Land Acquisition bill, the BJP MP said the law is in the interest of farmers.

Praising Prime Minister Modi for putting India on the path of development, he said the country's borders are safe under the watchful eyes of the PM.

"Our borders are safe and secure and very soon the people will realise that we are progressing in every field. India will soon be known as a super power around the globe," he said.

Sakshi Maharaj also said PM Modi is working for the overall development of the country. "Our country is safe under his watchful eyes" he added.

The Congress took strong exception to Sakshi Maharaj's remarks.

Party spokesman Abhishek Singhvi told reporters in Delhi that the remarks showed how low level he could stoop to.

He said even to react to such remarks would mean reducing the level of debate.

According to Mr Singhvi, Sakshi Maharaj was not alone and there were a host of BJP MPs, MLAs and leaders who have been making communal and divisive statements.

The real concern, he said, was the "eloquent silence" of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the wake of such controversial statements.

It showed the real character of the BJP, he added.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

BJP's Sakshi Maharaj backs Shiv Sena: No voting rights if Muslims do not plan family

Known for making controversial statements, BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj did it again by demanding that a strict law on family planning be brought in for all to check the population growth. He said those who do not follow it should be stripped of their voting rights, effectively endorsing Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut's controversial article in Saamana calling to disenfranchise Muslims.
"When Hindus go for sterilisation, Muslims should also opt for it. There should be one law for everyone. There will be no appeasement of any section in our regime," the BJP parliamentarian from Unnao in Uttar Pradesh said.
"I don't say Muslims and Christians should be sterilised. But there should be family planning and a uniform law for all. When we talk of four-child issue, there is a lot of hue and cry, and when they have 40 children from four wives no one says anything," the saffron-robed MP said on Sunday evening.
Stressing that population growth was a major challenge before the country, Sakshi said the issue has to be addressed through family planning. "There should be family planning. When the country gained independence, the population was only 30 crore. Today it is 130 crore. Who is responsible for it?" he said.
"There should be one law for everyone be it Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs or Christians. Whether for one, two, three or four kids... unless we have a common law for everyone, the country will not benefit... So both the government and the opposition should come together to bring a strict law and those who do not follow it should be stripped of their voting right," the 59-year-old politician said. "You cannot discriminate between the women of different communities," he added.
Sanjay Raut: Scrap voting rights of Muslims
Sakshi Maharaj's comments came after Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut in an editorial demanded scrapping of voting rights of Muslims, saying they are used as vote bank. "Balasaheb had once said withdraw Muslims voting rights. Owaisi brothers are doing politics of Muslim votes. They are threat to the nation," wrote Raut in his party mouthpiece.
Asked about Raut's remarks, Sakshi said he had not gone through his statement. Earlier, the BJP leader had asked Hindu women to have at least four children, sparking condemnation from the opposition which alleged that the ruling party was trying to polarise the atmosphere. The BJP had distanced itself from the remarks and served him a show cause notice. Sakshi had also drawn considerable flak for describing Mahatma Gandhi's assassin Nathuram Godse as a patriot and was forced to apologise in Parliament.
Owaisi hits out at Sena
Meanwhile, MIM leader Asaduddin Owaisi demanded that PM Narendra Modi must react to the kind of statements made by his partymen and ally. "PM Modi must react especially when there are two Muslim Cabinet ministers at the Centre," the MP from Hyderabad said.
"Calling us poisonous snakes and having a pathological hatred for us won't help. Shiv Sena doesn't have the guts to write about Lakhvi's release and instead writes about us," Owaisi told Headlines Today.

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Drinking milk from non-Indian cows 'could make children turn to crime' - RSS

Drinking milk from non-Indian cows 'could make children turn to crime'

Milk from Jersey cows may make children turn to crime, allegedly
Milk from Jersey cows may make children turn to crime, allegedly Photo: Alamy
The Jersey cow may seem like a cute symbol of the British countryside, but according to Hindu nationalists in India it is a demonic creature and the cause of juvenile crime.
The claim was made by a leading figure in the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the influential Hindu nationalist group which counts Narendra Modi, the prime minister, among its members. Mr Modi was educated by the group as a child and entered politics with its support.
The group has successfully lobbied for the slaughter of cows for beef to be banned in some parts of India because it offends higher caste Hindus who worship them as a source of life.
It also promotes the use of cow dung as antiseptic flooring, bovine biogas as fuel, and its urine as a 'cola' health drink.
Now it has launched a campaign to persuade India's middle class gated communities to keep their own cow herds.

A bull revered by Hindus with colourful painted horns & decorations near the beaches of Mumbai
According to the RSS's cow protection section, the move would improve the condition of the animals, which often roam the streets and eat plastic waste, and also provide milk and medicines. It would also teach children the importance of the animal in sustaining life.
They must, however, be "virtuous" Indian breeds and not Jersey cows if they do not want their children to turn to crime, the group's leader Shankar Lal said.
Indian cows are saatvik, he explained – virtuous or pure – and drinking their milk not only increases consumers' productivity but produces no evil thoughts.
By contrast, the Jersey cow, has "devil in the milk, poisonous particles", he said.
It's not clear it is a cow at all but "some kind of an animal which makes you think impure thoughts and do wrong deeds [which] results in increase in crimes", he added.
Jersey cows were first imported into India during the British Raj for cross breeding with Indian varieties to improve the quality of milk.
Today many cows In INdia are some way below pure – they are left to roam busy roads and survive on rubbish dumped on the streets.
Their milk has been contaminated by a scavenger diet of plastic bags and paper. Much of it is also adulterated, official studies have established.
Tests by the Uttar Pradesh government in 2012 found a quarter of 4,500 samples contained detergent, artificial whiteners and starch.

Rahul's 'impure' visit to Kedarnath caused Nepal earthquake, says Sakshi Maharaj

BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj once again courted controversy, this time seeking to link the devastating Nepal earthquake to Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi's visit to Kedarnath.
Over 4,000 people lost their lives in the earthquake and rescue operations continue.
BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj.
BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj.
Maharaj told reporters in Haridwar: "Rahul Gandhi eats beef, and goes to the holy shrine (Kedarnath) without purifying himself. The earthquake was bound to happen," The Times of India reported. Vishwa Hindu Parishad leader Sadhvi Prachi was also present.
He was commenting on Gandhi's recent visit to the Kedarnath temple which was opened to the public for the first time this season.
The Congress, though, was up in arms against the ruling BJP demanding that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and party chief Amit Shah take action against him .
"...In a most unfortunate and petty manner, certain habitual motor mouth offenders of the BJP — cohorts of the Prime Minister and BJP President Amit Shah — are trying to communalise and politicise a grave human tragedy.
"If media reports are to be believed, BJP leader and MP Sakshi Maharaj now famous for asking women to produce 10 babies, eulogising the killers of Mahatma Gandhi and comparing humans with dogs for sterilisation, are now ascribing the earthquake in Nepal to Rahul Gandhi's visit to Bhagwan Kedarnath," party spokesperson Sushmita Dev told reporters at the AICC briefing.
Dev said in doing so, he has not only "denigrated" all those who have faith in Bhagwan Kedarnath but the victims of this huge tragedy.
"It will be better if the PM and Amit Shah stop perpetuating rabid politics that has now reached the stage of denigrating even Bhagwan Kedarnath through his chosen cohorts.
We demand that the PM and Amit Shah take immediate action against Sakshi Maharaj," she said.
While slamming the BJP leader's remarks, Dev said our attention and efforts at this time should be aimed at relief, rescue and rehabilitation.
She also chose the occasion to flag the need to have concrete plan of action to mitigate disaster caused by Earth quakes in the NCR region.
"It is equally alarming to see that the capital of India, Delhi as also the National Capital Region (NCR) has no approved state disaster management and mitigation plan," she said.
Dev said that the Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) formulated the draft policy way back in March 2014, and the National Disaster Management Authority has seen presentations on it but since March 2014 there has been no progress in finalising the report.
"The government and NDMA- both of which are headed by the PM are requested to pay immediate attention to finalise the plan," she said.
The Congress spokesperson said that her party MPs have decided to donate one month's salary.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Ramzada vs haramzada: Outrage over Union Minister Sadhvi’s remark

Ramzada vs haramzada: Outrage over Union Minister Sadhvi’s remark

Launching the BJP’s campaign in DelhiUnion Minister of State Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti told voters here on Monday that they must choose between ‘Ramzadon’ (those born ofRam) and ‘haramzadon’ (illegitimately born). Meanwhile, another Union Minister of State, Giriraj Singh, compared Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Ram.
Addressing a rally in West Delhi’s Shyam Nagar area, Jyoti, the BJP MP from Fatehpur in Uttar Pradesh, said, “Aapko tay karna hai ki Dilli mein sarkar Ramzadon ki banegi ya haramzadon ki. Yeh aapka faisla hai (You must decide whether you want a governmentof those born of Ram or of those born illegitimately).”
Taking a dig at Congress president Sonia Gandhi and her son-in-law Robert Vadra, she said: “Jis sadharan parivar mein…bartanon ki dukaan rakhne wala…uska beta, Sonia Gandhi ka damaad, arab-kharab pati kaise ho gaya? Gareebon ko loota hai, gareebo ko choosa hai. Modiji kehte rahe hai, na khayenge na khane denge. (The son of an ordinary family, who had a utensils shop… Sonia nor will we tolerate it).”
Addressing another rally in Dhirpur, Giriraj Singh told the BJP cadres that Modi was their “saviour”. “Do you know Hanuman? We are all Hanuman. Hanuman told Ramthat he has no identity of his own. Hum Modi ke bhakt hain purey desh mein. (We areall followers of Modi.) People wanted to know the reason for my victory in Lok Sabha. I told them it is only Narendra Modi,” he said.
Comparing AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal to Maarich (a mythical character who could disguise himself), Singh said: “We used to have Ramlilas in our village. A youth once demanded that he should be given a chance to play Hanuman’s role. He had no experience. When he went on stage and Raavan pulled out his sword, he ran away from the stage… Kejriwal wohi nakli Hanuman hai… Kejriwal un Rakshasho mein bhi Maarich hai, jo vesh badalta hai par kabhi na kabhi pakda jata hai… (Kejriwal is that fake Hanuman, he is the demon who changes shape but will get caught one day),” said Singh.
In the run-up to the Lok Sabha polls, Singh had courted controversy when he said that there was no place in India for those who were opposed to Modi, and they should go to Pakistan.
Reacting sharply to Jyoti’s comments, former Delhi Minister and AAP leader Manish Sisodia said, “The BJP clearly wants to vitiate the atmosphere. Comments like these from senior ministers show that their concept of elections is divisive and based on hooliganism.”
Former Congress minister Haroon Yusuf said, “This is what the BJP has been doing inDelhi for the past few months. They have been trying to polarise Delhi on the basis of religion, this is what they did in Trilokpuri and Bawana. This politics of religious polarisation is very dangerous and spreads hatred. But Delhi won’t accept this.”
Six BJP MPs from across the™ (Official)
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Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti. Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti.
By: Express News Service | New Delhi | Updated: December 2, 2014 1:45 pm
country fanned out in the national capital on Monday to kick off the party’s campaign for the upcoming assembly elections.

ET JAN 2-LOCALISATION AMID GLOBLISATION - Children Who Speak English Dump Parents: RSS Affiliate

ET JAN 2-LOCALISATION AMID GLOBLISATION - Children Who Speak English Dump Parents: RSS Affiliate

It's Ghar Bahri Now
Vasudha Venugopal
New Delhi

LOCALISATION AMID GLOBLISATION - Children Who Speak English Dump Parents: RSS Affiliate
Even as Ghar Wapsi fire refuses to die down, a right wing schooling society is going around saying English-speaking kids have a tendency to throw their old family members out
MISSIONARY ZEAL: RSS wants to set up a model school in every block of the country before 2017
“Your child may speak English today , but he will leave you alone in the street when you are old.“
That's the dire warning issued by Ramendra Rai, who heads the Vidya Bharati Akhil Bharatiya Shikshan Sansthan, to a gathering at a recent event in the national capital recently.
The Sansthan is affiliated to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, the ideological wellspring of the Sangh Parivar. For the RSS, the ascent of the Narendra Modi-led BJP to power is a signal that it's time for the culture wars to be taken to the next level.
Among the various weapons in the arsenal that are being unleashed, one is a campaign to catch them young.Under the Har Prakhand Mein Vidyalaya project, the RSS wants to set up a model school in every block of the country before 2017. Toward this end, organisations affiliated to the RSS have a new assignment--to check the growth of convent schools and educational institutions run by missionaries.
“Start gurukuls and schools that promote the Indian way of thinking to counter such influence“--that's the game plan that was presented at a meeting of the heads of educational institutions affiliated to the Sangh--Shishu Mandir Sewa Bharati, Vidya Bharati, Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram, Bharat Kalyan Prathisthan and Bharatiya Jan Seva Sansthan. This message was bolstered with findings that said the number of schools run by Christian missionaries was increasing.
It was decided to hold public awareness events across the country to motivate people to send their children to schools run by Hindus and not by missionaries, said people familiar with the proceedings.
“We want to have at least one school in every block of every village in the country by 2017. But what we are also worried about is the growing interest among people for convent (education). We have to tell them English might give their children good careers but only Indian education will make them respectful of family val ues,“ said Rai. Vidya Bharati Sansthan operates about 40,000 schools in India with more than 40 lakh students.
The exhortation to look inward and eschew what are regarded as cultural impurities from outside Indian tradition may conflict with the worldview of the current government, which has embarked on an intense campaign to engage with the rest of the world, especially in terms of drumming up investment. In the seven months since becoming PM Modi has been to the US, Japan and Australia among other countries. India has the lead ers of China and President Barack Obama will be Republic Day chief guest later in January.
Sudha Pai, Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University Nehru University said the agenda pur sued by many right wing organisations was in contradic tion to whatever the gover nment was projecting itself in support of. “Soon a point of confronta there will be a point of confrontation where the government will have to come clear on its stance. The sangh's approach to education is concerned, it is far fetched. People know that English education will help their children in the long run and they are not likely to respond to the Sangh's call.“
Rai said cities such as Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Kolkata have not been “much receptive“ to schools run by the Sangh while there's been a much better response in New Delhi and Mumbai.
“A look at our recent data suggests we have managed to establish an RSS model school in every district in Uttar Pradesh,“ Rai said. “Efforts in Bihar and Jharkhand have been commendable but we are sprucing up efforts in West Bengal and Tamil Nadu.“ Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh have done well in promoting RSS-affiliated schools with MLAs supporting them, he said.
“In India, becoming literate alone is not being educated. What our schools are focusing on is creating a generation of students who are patriotic and understand what is right and wrong,“ Rai said. “People get attracted to what is presented to them in an attractive way . It is only when the children start talking back to them that parents regret having put them in schools that are run on the principles of western culture.“
The sangh has been making efforts for long but there has been a significant jump in the number of volunteers in the past few months that has intensified efforts, said Ramindra Singh, director, Vidya Bharati.
Helping the Sangh in its efforts are people such as Baba Ramdev. They want to open 7 lakh gurukuls to counter western education.
According to RSS sources, the organisation has trained more than 1 lakh handpicked local youths to be sent to village-level model schools.Mostly RSS members themselves, these teachers have undergone a three-month teaching probation and then a final 10-day training shivir.
“We celebrate the birthday of one Jesus Christ but forget it was on December 25 that day Swami Vivekananda started his penance in Kanyakumari or Swami Shraddhananda breathed his last,“ Vidya Bharati's Singh said.

Maharashtra bans beef, 5 years jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale

Maharashtra bans beef, 5 years jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale

Beef lovers in Maharashtra will now have to do without the red meat as President Pranab Mukherjee has given his assent to the Maharashtra Animal Preservation (Amendment) Bill, 1995, nearly 19 years after the Maharashtra Assembly passed the Bill during the BJP-Shiv Sena rule in 1995.
The slaughter of cows was previously prohibited in the state under the MaharashtraAnimal Preservation Act of 1976. However, the passage of the new Act will ban the slaughter of bulls as well as bullocks, which was previously allowed based on a fit-for-slaughter certificate.
The new Act will, however, allow slaughter of water buffaloes, which provides carabeef — generally seen as an inferior quality meat that makes up only 25 per cent of the totalbeef market in the state. Beef traders claim the move will not only render thousands jobless, but will also drive up the cost of other meats in the state.
“Thanks a lot Hon President Sir for the assent on Maharashtra Animal Preservation Bill. Our dream of ban on cow slaughter becomes a reality now,” Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis tweeted.
“This is a historic step, which has cultural as well aseconomic implications for the state. We had passed this Act when we were in power in 1995 and had sent it for the President’s nod in 1996. Subsequent governments in the state, however, failed to do the needful to get the Bill implemented. We had promised in our manifesto to bring this Bill and we have managed to do it,” BJP MP from Mumbai Kirit Somaiya said.

The President had signed the Bill and sent it to the Ministry of Home Affairs, which then informed the Maharashtra Governor of the decision.
Now, anyone found to be selling beef or in possession of it can be jailed for five years and fined Rs 10,000.
The beef trade in the state is largely controlled by Muslims of the Qureshi caste. “Apart from rendering people jobless, the immediate effect will be the spiralling price of other meats as people will be forced to gravitate to them,” president of the Mumbai Suburban Beef Dealer Association Mohammed Qureshi said.
Beef, generally seen as the poor man’s meat, costs almost a third of mutton. Mumbaialone consumes nearly 90,000 kg of mutton every day, sold through 900 licensed stalls and an equal number of illegal stalls.
Beef traders said they are checking if they can take legal recourse. “We are now holding deliberations to see if we can challenge this in any way. The beef traders have been impacted but it will be the farmers who

will be affected the most. Who will care for the old and infirm animals that were earlier sold for meat?” Arif Chowdhury, an office bearer of the All India Jamiatul Quresh, an organisation of beef traders, said.
“A recent government report has stated that there is nearly 61 per cent fodder shortage in the state. By banning the slaughter of old and infirm animals, the government is doing grave injustice to the healthy animals and farmers of Maharashtra,” Rajendra Dhende, a beef trader from Sangli, said.
Right-wing groups and Jain organisations have been asking for shutting down of the abattoirs and beef trade in the state.
Beef traders across Maharashtra were on strike for over a week in February to protest against the alleged harassment being meted out to beef traders. Fadnvais had later assured protection to beef traders after a delegation met him, which led to the strike being called off.
Glyston Gracias, brand chef at Smoke House Deli, Mumbai, said, “This is extremely sad to hear. I will have to go to another country. Most of the dishes at the restaurant are based on European cuisine. A lot of our foreign clientele, such as Japanese and Europeans, will miss beef on the menu. We will also lose out on alcohol sales becwill be affected the most. Who will care for the old and infirm animals that were earlier sold for meat?” Arif Chowdhury, an office bearer of the All India Jamiatul Quresh, an organisation of beef traders, said.
“A recent government report has stated that there is nearly 61 per cent fodder shortage in the state. By banning the slaughter of old and infirm animals, the government is doing grave injustice to the healthy animals and farmers of Maharashtra,” Rajendra Dhende, a beef trader from Sangli, said.
Right-wing groups and Jain organisations have been asking for shutting down of the abattoirs and beef trade in the state.
Beef traders across Maharashtra were on strike for over a week in February to protest against the alleged harassment being meted out to beef traders. Fadnvais had later assured protection to beef traders after a delegation met him, which led to the strike being called off.
Glyston Gracias, brand chef at Smoke House Deli, Mumbai, said, “This is extremely sad to hear. I will have to go to another country. Most of the dishes at the restaurant are based on European cuisine. A lot of our foreign clientele, such as Japanese and Europeans, will miss beef on the menu. We will also lose out on alcohol sales bec